New Post

Hello, Gorgeous,

July is inviting to laughter, joy and exploration. People go on holiday, others are busy following the trends of the day, some others allow life to dictate itself (meaning that they would rather have other people choose for them), some others are askign questions. What if whatever you chose for the summer is what you enjoyed the most? What if you chose something refreshing, relieving and relaxing?

My tribe (read the kids and the dog) have chosen to explore the wild side of Bretagne in France. I am looking forward to the Atlantic coast, rough waves and freshly rained forests, sightseeing, long walks and conversations with the spirits of the place. I am actually excited and thrilled to be discovering more of what I know and what my connection with the Unseen has evolved into.

The month of June gave the start to being more aware of the financial realities we are creating with every choice we are making. Money is magic and non-linear yet it fuels on your willingness to be present with it. So after opening the Money Ball with How to Become Money Workbook, we took a glance at Financial Healing topics and led the way into the 21 Days of Financial Awareness which is still open for you to join us.

July is expanding MONEY awareness way beyond what we have imagined, therefore I'm gently inviting you to the Clarity Night on the 25th of July - All of Money Comes to Me! And yes, I have a slightly biased view on a specific topic: HAPPY PUPPY, Happy Money a free zoom inviting you to acknowledging that MONEY follows joy on July 28th!

Last, and by far not the least, my friend Freeke Carlier from Moves Actually is inviting you to a free zoom on social media and personal branding: A Different Choice with Social Visibility and Branding on the 22nd of July at 2 pm CET.

Wishing you a holiday filled with CURIOSITY, with giggles and laughter, click on the links and have fun!
