What energies would you like to invite in your life in July?


Summer tiiiime... summer time in the city! (I'm singing!)

We officially started the holidays today as the school ended! If you are one of the parents living in Belgium you might now that this is a big thing, as basically, from a legal poitn of view you are not allowed to ditch the last boring days in school and travel to a nice relaxing place. This is the major factor for the exceeding holiday prices during July-August, as all families with schooled children (from 6 years up) are planning their summer breaks at the same time. Fun!

I am inviting you on my terrace for 21 days to enjoy your holidays and consciously choosing to make things work to your advantage. What else is possible, financially speaking, that you think is impossible, that if you allowed the possibilities, they would actualize a totally different financial reality with total ease? Basically: your financial reality with total ease?

What if you chose today to plant the seed of a fabulous future by being present with the energies you are actively and consciously inviting in your life for the coming month of July? I dare you: watch the video, write down what you would like your July to be like, and be present with the whispers of the Universe. And acknowledge!

A funny thing is that a few months back I made a 'vision board' for my summer, believe it or not, 80% of what I had asked for has already actualized or is in the process of. How come? By choosing to be present with my asks every day!

Would you like to gift yourself the gift of presence and of 'interesting point of view' for 21 Days of Financial Freedom?

You are invited! We are starting tomorrow, the 1st of July at 9 am CET in a Telegram group. All details for thee 21 days will be available after you register for this class. Yes, all of the live interventions will be available on Telegram. No form, no structure, no significance, exploration and daily presence with our asks.

Every day we will be interacting in different ways: audio, video, questions, hot seats (direct 15 min facilitation), energy pulls, a symphony group taster, 2 calls on the 7th and 14th of July. The registrations will be open until the 10th of July. All recordings will be available in English and Romanian. The Romanian translation is done by me.

Truly, how did we get so lucky to be here on this planet at this time?

With ease and fun and giggles and gratitude, Selena